Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tegin puuvilja kooke, aga nüüd pean veel saama kõrvarõnga postid kätte, et neist siis kõrvarõngad teha. Lisaks pean neile veel läike lisama

I made some fruit tarts but i don't have any flat earstuds yet so i can't make them into earrings just yet. I still have to add gloss.

Tere jälle! Ma tean, et ma ei ole märtsis eriti palju uusi ehteid postitanud. Mis ei tähenda, et ma neid tonnide kaupa teinud ei oleks. Tallinnas avaneb varsti uus ehete pood, kus hakatakse ka minu ehteid müüma ja sellepärast on mul nende tegemisega üsnagi kiire. Lisaks veel see, et mu nümfkakaduud hülgasid oma pojad ja nüüd pean mina neid kasvatama.

Hello again! I know that i haven't been around in march. But that doesn't mean that i haven't made any jewelry. In fact i have made tons. There will be opening of new jewelry store in Tallinn, where my work is also for sale and lot's of my time has gone to making jewelry. Plus my cockatiels abandoned their three chicks and now i am the one who has to raise them.

My Etsy shop:
My facebook fanpage:

Friday, March 11, 2011

These earrings are up for auction.

These earrings are made from polymer clay and are about 1.7cm in lenght.

Price is 5 euros.!/pages/Help-the-heros-charity-auction/196841550330553

Mõned uued koogikõrvarõngad.

Some new cake earrings.